Announcements Opportunities Candidates

Opportunity: The Christie – Non Executive Director

Inclusive Boards is delighted to be supporting The Christie NHS Foundation Trust in their search for a new non-executive director. This position will also chair the workforce assurance committee.

The Christie is one of Europe’s leading cancer centres and an international leader in cancer research and education. They are a performance driven, high achieving organisation with patients at the heart of everything they do.

The Christie is renowned as a world pioneer in the care, treatment and research of cancer. They build on this legacy, translating innovation and research breakthroughs into real patient benefits. Their work today is the treatment of tomorrow across the globe. The Christie serves a population of 3.2 million people across Greater Manchester and Cheshire and, as a national specialist, around a quarter of our patients are referred to them from other parts of the country. The Christie’s non-executive directors use their skills and expertise to provide independent judgement and advice to the executive board. Collectively, the Board is responsible for the management and governance of the entire organisation.

As a non-executive director you will:

  • Constructively challenge and contribute to the development of strategy, providing objective judgement independent of management on issues facing the Trust
  • Support and challenge the development of the Trust’s values and standards and ensure that the needs of staff, patients and the wider community are understood and fairly balanced
  • Contribute to the achievement of the Trust vision and inclusive culture, and alignment with core values, liaising and working with the Council of Governors
  • Scrutinise the performance of executive management on meeting agreed goals and objectives, monitor the reporting of performance, and contribute corporately to the work of the Board
  • Support and challenge the executive’s delivery of high quality and safe healthcare services, research and development, education and training
  • Ensure the highest standards of probity, integrity and governance are met such that the Trust complies with the terms of its authorisation by NHS England, its constitution, relevant legislation, mandatory guidance and other relevant obligations support entrepreneurial leadership within the Trust within a framework of prudent and effective controls, which enable risk to be assessed and managed;
  • Engage positively and collaboratively in board discussion of agenda items
  • Act an ambassador for the Trust in engagement with local, regional and national stakeholders

Person Specification


 Senior level/board experience in a complex organisation, previous non-executive experience would be desirable.
 An understanding or experience of the services the Christie provides, supported by a sound appreciation of the
value these bring to the Trust.
 Experience of chairing a Board level committee as well as experience of holding others to account for
performance and quality
 Experience and understanding of assurance processes in a highly regulated environment.
 Understanding of the current NHS and of issues relating to NHS workforce or culture change.
 Experience of utilising networks to support advocacy and to provide strategic influence.
The Christie NHS Foundation Trust Candidate Information Pack Non-Executive Director 12
 Proven strategic thinker, able to contribute across a range of governance, workforce, planning, financial and
advocacy issues.

Skills and Attributes

 Effective communication skills with the ability to influence a range of key stakeholders and to probe and
challenge constructively.
 Understanding of the governance requirements of an NHS provider trust
 Understanding the needs of patients and staff with sufficient experience to support the Trust to achieve even
higher levels of care and overall patient and staff experience.
 Demonstrate compassionate leadership qualities and alignment with the Trust Values – to make a difference, act
with kindness and connect with people.

Candidates will also need to demonstrate that they meet the requirements for the ‘fit and proper person’ test, in line with the CQC fit and proper persons regulation.

Find out more and Apply:

For further information including accessing a candidate pack and how to apply please visit

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