As part of Inclusive Boards increasing work within the UK Tech sector we are releasing a briefing about the current landscape. We have found that their is a distinct lack of available data in regards to BAME diversity in tech. Whilst data in relation to gender diversity in tech is more readily available, the figures and experiences make for depressing reading. Pat 1 of our briefing is below:
In an age of digital disruption, innovation and growth, the technology sector is the driving force behind the expansion and development of the digital ecosystem. Technological advancements such as commoditised artificial intelligence, virtual and augmented reality, and blockchain have gained considerable ground in recent years and further stressed the importance of the sector in enabling organisations to operate more effectively and efficiently.
In the UK alone, it is estimated that over 1.5 million people are working in the digital sector or in similar roles across other sectors of the economy. In 2016, financial investment in digital technology contributed £6.8 billion to the economy, 50% higher than any other country in Europe. Over the past five years, London alone has attracted more financial investment than Paris, Berlin and Amsterdam combined. However, 68% of total UK digital tech investment in 2016 was in regional clusters beyond London.
Tech companies within cities such as Edinburgh (£159 million) Cambridge (£153 million), Bristol & Bath (£109 million), Oxford (£106 million), Manchester (£78 million), and Sheffield (£61 million) attracted nearly £700 million in funding combined.
Men outnumber women by at least three to one. By comparison, women represented 46% of the labour force in the UK in 2014.
The lack of gender diversity in the tech sector has resulted in the formation of organisations such as Women in Tech, Girls Who Code and Ada Developers Academy. The aforementioned organisations aim to equip women with specialised skills and knowledge that will allow them to secure high earning jobs in the male-dominated sector.
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