There are an estimated 13.9 million people with disabilities currently living in the UK, composing approximately 21% of the UK population. In July-September 2018 the Office of National Statistics recorded an estimated 3.9 million people of working age with disabilities in employment, with an employment rate of 51.3% compared with 81.4% for people without disabilities.
Today, Inclusive Boards announces a call for evidence with the outcome of producing a toolkit aimed at increasing the representation of people with disabilities at board level and within senior leadership. The toolkit will provide insights, guidance and recommendations for boards across different sectors to help improve their disability diversity. It will officially launched in the House of Commons later in the year.
We are seeking contributions to this project, either in regards to adding to our knowledge pool or providing personal insights of experiences or perspectives of board/ senior leadership appointments. Please download the call for evidence below and If you would like to contribute please contact our Research Associate, Samuel Carey via
[vc_btn title=”Download Disability Toolkit Call for Evidence” style=”custom” custom_background=”#32b2b2″ custom_text=”#333333″ link=”|||”]
Inclusive Boards is the UK’s leading agency set up to support organisations and sectors in their efforts to develop more diverse boards, senior leadership teams and stronger governance structures. Our services include Research and Advisory, Executive Training, and Executive Search.